An unproductive year ends...

...The next begins
Last year... What can I say? It passed by without me really achieving anything.
I wrote, but published nothing.
I wrote, but finished nothing.
I wrote, but it was nothing.
I think it's safe to say, that any plans I had this time last year, have come to zero, but that's why I'm such a fan of New Year. It's like starting a brand new book. It's like starting from scratch.
And so as 2022 begins, have I set myself any resolutions? Yes. And they're all writing based goals.
So many projects to finish that I have enough to keep me busy for years, but I want to finish the ones that I feel like I've been working on for years. Wings of Passion, my untitled sci fi romance, and a few others that I started but never finished.
In 2022, these books are getting finished! They just are! I'm finishing them!
And to do that, I'm giving myself achievable deadlines, lots of free time, and a new set of priorities. Writing and publishing is my main New Year resolution!