I’m not an assertive person. Socially awkward are the words that describe me. I don’t stand out in a group, I don’t always know how to act or what to say, and in many social situations I feel uncomfortable.
I’ve learned over time, that this gives people the idea that I’m weak. I’m not! Because I try to get along with everyone and I try not to put my bad mood on others, it makes some people think that bad things have never happened to me or that I’m not always aware of the realities of life. They are wrong.
Being an introvert doesn’t mean I’m not intelligent. It doesn’t mean I’m a doormat. It doesn’t mean I need you to tell me how to dress or what to say or how to act. It doesn’t mean I’m stupid or naïve. It doesn’t mean I need to be coddled or that you should warn the people who you introduce me to that I’m awkward. It doesn’t mean you can say what you want to me no matter how offensive or cruel.
My life may be different to yours, but I’m not irrelevant because I’m single or because I’m at peace in my own company, and I don’t need you to step into my life and instruct me how to live it as you see it should be lived. I don’t need to be rescued. I don’t need a hero.
I’m not happy every second of my life. I feel discontent. I feel ambition. I feel hope. Desire. Love. Affection. Anger. Insecurity. Concern. Nerves. Fury. Irritation. I feel every human emotion that you feel.
I’m a grown-ass woman with adult responsibilities. I’m not a child who needs to be told how to act, and whose life choices should be demeaned because they weren’t the same as yours, and just because I don’t like confrontation doesn’t mean I won’t rise to it when you think you can control me.
These are some of the issues I’ve experience most of my life. Because I’m not always comfortable in certain situations, it makes others think less of me, and it’s something that has come up many times throughout my life. Work environments have been the worst, but there have also been friends who thought they could control me.
Being an introvert isn’t synonymous with being weak. Being content in my own company isn’t the same as loneliness.
I’m beyond grateful for my family. They’re the people in my life who can accept me without calling me miserable because I’m quiet when I’m overwhelmed. I love the ones who offer me help without condescension. I appreciate those who stand at my side no matter what, because they like who I am.
I’ll never feel comfortable in a group, I’ll never be the one to shine, but I don’t see this as something that needs to be altered. I’m content to blend in. I like that about myself. I’m happy that I find serenity by myself.
If you have an introvert in your life, then please remember:
Don’t try to fix us. We’re not broken.
Don’t try to dominate us. We’re not weak.
Don’t try to patronise us. We’re not stupid.
Accept us as we are.