This has been a tough week and I haven’t been quiet about it.
The people closest to me have had to suffer through my sulky attitude as every piece of writing that I had out with publishers, agents, editors and competition judges came back to me with a big fat ‘No!’ I’ve had rejections coming out the wazoo.
I’m not great at handling rejection either. A bad trait for a writer perhaps, but it makes me reach for the donuts and I mooch around the house with a duvet over my head. Yup, I’m definitely a sulker.
This week with so many coming back at me it was like a barrage, and while I may brood about it for a while, it doesn’t usually last long. It’s like a flash of misery and then I can shake it off and get going again, but this week as soon as I started to get over one rejection another would come through, and I have to say, my recovery period started to take longer.
The good thing with everything coming back all at once is that at least I know it’ll be a while before I get another. I didn’t take any days off from writing because when it comes down to it, I really do enjoy it – I’m just not a fan of other people’s responses to it – but what I have done is spent some time writing just for me. Things that I’ll never submit to anyone: my diary, poetry, ramblings. It helped me move on from the negativity that I was feeling whenever I turned my computer on to write.
I found this week a hard one to get over though so I might take some time before I send out another submission. For a little while to give myself a break, I’ll spend some time reading, I’ll write some more poetry, and I’ll gather the courage so that in a few months I’ll probably be back on Social Media complaining about all the no replies flowing into my inbox.