I am an introvert. I’ve always been happiest at home, but even I am getting to the point where it would be nice to go somewhere. For an ice cream or a frappe. Hell, I’d settle for a walk around a garden centre.
Of course, my day-dreaming mind always takes me to London. It’s the perfect day for wandering the sights of the city, stopping for an iced coffee or a beer, walking along the river and eating outside at a riverside restaurant. Maybe drinking a bit more wine, followed by more coffee. I am a writer after all.
Mostly, I just miss the freedom to go anywhere, even knowing if I had the freedom, I’d probably still be in my garden.
I understand the lockdown and I agree with it, and it’s times like these I’m happy to have my busy imagination, because as I sit at my garden table, I can sip wine and imagine I’m in London or in Whitby, sitting in a café that overlooks a river or the sea, and I can imagine a time I will be there in reality.
In isolation imagination is key.
In isolation take to your daydreams.