As a writer I spend a lot of time staring at a computer screen, and even more time indoors. It’s where I’m happiest so that’s okay, but as spring approaches (not that you’d know it from the glorious British rain) I usually start looking outside with longing. At the blue sky, at the bright sunshine, at the lush green leaves and grass.
Last week we had lovely warm weather, today it’s been chased away by wind and rain, but is there a way to get a little of outdoors and bring it inside? I have one word for you: plants!
I’m no gardener and I struggle to keep plants alive, but I’m getting better, and it’s proven that bringing plants into the office increases productivity and makes you happier, so as a romance writer who spends most of my time sequestered away with my computer, plants are a way to brighten my office space.
But what exactly are the benefits of having plants in the workplace?
Stress Reduction
Studies show that indoor plants not only freshen the air, but they also eliminate toxins. This has the impact of making you more relaxed and boosting your mood. We’re also know to associate colours with our moods, and as green is a colour we associate with safety, it explains why having lush green in our office or home makes us feel so comfortable.
Pretty to Look At
When you’re trapped inside, working hard, eyes on your computer screen, an aesthetically pleasing sight gives you a reprieve from straining your eyes.
Increase Productivity
Office plants increase brain performance and encourage creativity. As long as you’ve got a plant within your eye-line, it will impact upon your productivity.
Creativity Boost
Having a plant within your view can change the way your brain processes information, which in effect increases your creativity by fifteen percent.
For such a small addition to your office space, the impact can be great. So, what are you waiting for? Go buy yourself a plant and wait for magic to happen. Just one tip: Don’t forget to water it.